The correction of date in the Financial Statements

BackMay 16, 2006

May 15, 2006
        Subject: The correction of date in the Financial Statements
        To:Director and Manager
           The Stock Exchange of Thailand
              Asian Property Development Plc. would like to correct the
        details in our financial statements ended March 31, 2006 as
        1. Auditor's Review
        Previously:Ernst&Young Office Limited
                   Bangkok: 9 May 2006
        New       :Ernst&Young Office Limited
                   Bangkok: 15 May 2006
        2.Notes to Interim Financial Statements No.21 Approval of Interim
        Financial Statements
        Previously:On 9 May 2006
        New       :On 15 May 2006
        Please be informed accordingly.
        Sincerely Yours,
        Mr. Pichet Vipavasuphakorn
        Managing Director