Report name of member & Scope of work - Audit Committee

BackJan 29, 2009

F 24-1
Form to Report on Names of Members and Scope of Work of the Audit Committee

The Board of Directors meeting of Asian Property Development Public Company No. 1/2009 held on January 21, 2009 resolved the meeting's resolutions in the following manners:

- Appointment Mr. Nontigorn Kanchanachitra to be Chairman of the audit committee

The appointment of which shall take an effect as of January 21,2009.

The audit committee is consisted of:

1. Chairman of the audit committee Mr. Nontigorn Kanchanachitra,remaining term in office 1 year 3 months;

2. Member of audit committee Mr.Siripong Sombutsiri,remaining term in office 2 year 3 months;

3. Member of audit committee Mr.Nontachit Tulayanonda,remaining term in office 2 year 3 months;

4. Member of audit committee Mr.Kosol Suriyaporn,remaining term in office 2 year 3 months;

Secretary of the audit committee : Mr.Kittisak Chanokmat.

Enclosed hereto is 1 copy of the certificate and biography of the audit committee. The audit committee numbers 2 and 3 have adequate expertise and experience to review creditability of the financial reports.

The audit committee of the company has the scope of duties and responsibilities to the Board of Director on the following matters :

1. To make reviews that enable the Company to have accurate Financial Statements and with adequate disclosure.

2. To make reviews that enabled the Company to have internal control and audit system that is suitable and effective.

3. To make reviews on Company's compliance with the Securities and Exchange Act or laws relevant to the Company's business.

4. To select and propose the appointment of Company's auditor,including proposal on remuneration to the auditor.

5. To consider the proper and adequate disclosure of connected transaction and conflict of interest information of the company.

6. Other actions assigned by the Company's Board of Directors and approved by the audit committee.

7. To prepare report on the activities of the audit committee to be disclosed in the Company's annual report. The said report must be signed by Chairman of the audit committee.

The company hereby certifies that

1. The qualifications of the aforementioned members meet all the requirements of the Stock Exchange of Thailand; and

2. The scope of duties and responsibilities of the audit committee as stated above meet all the requirements of the Stock Exchange of Thailand.


Signed ...................Director
Mr. Anuphong Assavabhokhin



Signed .................Director
Mr.Pichet Vipavasuphakorn




  • 2009-01-29_ap001E.pdf (Size: 40,991 bytes)